SCEE總裁 David Reeves 透露現在還有沒開發psp2的計劃。他說自己經常去東京總部,但是沒人提到有這個計劃。「我想他們現在忙於別的事情。」

Reeves說:「我們剛剛推出了PSP - 3000,所以我們仍然會專注於這一平台」。Reeves也承認sony遊戲開發部包括內部的工作室都把ps3主機的遊戲開發放在首位。

原文來自: http://www.mcvuk.com
「No, there are currently no plans for a PSP2. I go to Tokyo quite a lot and no one has referred to it – I think they have their hands full at the moment,」 he remarked.「We just launched the PSP-3000 so we are still focused on this generation of the platform,」 said Reeves.「The PSP is as successful in numbers as PS2 – it tracks its numbers in a cumulative basis,」 he said.

「Its weakness, however, is its software. And that’s because developers, when it comes to placing their bets, have to choose PS3 and 360, then Wii, then DS, maybe even PS2 before PSP. It’s the same at our internal studios, where the focus has been on PS3. They’ve also focused a lot on PS2 as well because we have to get the SingStars out for that format. So PSP games will come – they just take a while longer.」

Reeves added that Sony was looking to find new ways that would further stimulate the PSP market, having already successfully launched a dedicated PSP version of the PlayStation Store for downloadable titles.


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